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Gender:- The gender of a noun indicates whether a person or an animal we are referring to is a male or female..

Types of Gender:-
1) Masculine Gender
2) Feminine Gender
3) Neuter Gender

1) Masculine Gender:- Nouns that refer to males are called Masculine Gender..
Examlpe:-king, boy, fox, peacock

2) Feminine Gender:- Nouns that are refer to females are said to be of Feminine Gender.
Example:-queen, girl, vixen, peahen

3) Neuter Gender:- Nouns that are refers to all non living things are called Neuter Gender.
Example:book, star, rock, jug

List of Masculine and Feminine Names of People and Animals:-

List of Masculine and Feminine Names of People

Masculine Feminine
Actor Actress
Author Authoress
Boy Girl
Boyfriend       Girlfriend
Brother Sister
Bridegroom Bride
Bachelor Spinster 
Conductor    Conductress
Director         Directress
Emperor       Empress
Father Mother
God    Goddess
Grandfather Grandmother
Gentleman Lady
He She
Headmaster Headmistress
Hero Heroine
His Her
Host Hostess
Husband Wife
Hunter Huntress
Instructer     Instructress
King Queen
Lad Lass
Landlord Landlady
Lord Lady
Man Woman
Manservant Maid 
Male Female
Master Mistress
Mayor Mayoress
Monk Nun
Nephew Niece
Poet Poetess
Prince Princess
Shepherd Shepherdess
 Sir Madam
Son Daughter
Son in law Daughter in law
Songster Songstress
Traitor Traitress
Uncle Aunt
List of Masculine and Feminine Names of  Animals:-       
Animals Masculine  Feminine
Bee Drone Bee
Chicken Rooster Hen
Cow Bull Cow
Duck Drake Duck
Deer Stag Hind/Doe
Fox Fox Vixen
Goose Gander Goose
Horse/Zebra Stallion Mare
Lion Lion Lioness
Peacock Peacock Peahen
Sheep Ram Ewe
Tiger Tiger Tigress
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