Memories of Childhood

I do not remember much about my childhood, but there are still a few things which I can never forget. They come back to me again and agin and I feel delighted to remember them. 

I still remember the old house where I was born. It was a big house and consisted of many rooms, big and small. There was one room in it, which I was afraid to enter. I thought that it was haunted by a ghost. I liked very much my father's room. It was so clean and bright and airy. Everthing there was neatly arranged and in its proper place. I still remember how fond I was of going to the roof of the house. It was really interesting to watch my elder brother fly kites there. 

Those days were really very happy. I still remember some of my playmates. Krishna was a very fine boy, for he always shared his sweets with me. If ever I had a quarrel with anybody, he always took my side. But I didnot like Chandra. He was such a proud and difficult boy.  

Everybody was kind to me in my childhood. But the kindest person was my uncle. He bought me many fine toys and gave me many presents. He took me out with him on long walks and also played jokes upon me. My aunt was also very good to me, for she gave me fine things to eat. I need not say that I was very fond of my brothers and sisters, and they all treated me very well.

I donot remember any event of my childhood excepting one. I was the Baisakhi day, all the members of my family went ot the river for a dip. My mother was going ahead of us all, and I was with my sister. I donot know what happened but I found myself all alone, I began to cry. At that time a kindly old gentleman came up to me and took me to a tent near by. There I found some other children also who were in the same position as I was. I, however, had not to stay in the tent very long, because after half an hour or so my brother came to fetch me. Oh, the joy of meeting again my mother ! She was much delighted to see me and gave away some money in charity.
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