Essay Topics

What is an Essay ?

An essay is, generally speaking, a written composition containing an expression of one's personal opinion or ideas on a subject.

Types of Essays

Essays can be broadly categorised into two types.
1. Imaginative or Creative Essays
2. Factual Essays/ Expository Essays

1. Imaginative or Creative Essay
Imaginative essays can be further categorised as :
(a) Narrative essays
(b) Descriptive essays
(c) Argumentative essays
(d) Topical or Reflective essays
(e) Critical essays
(f)  Short story

2. Factual Essays/ Expository Essays
Such essays as the name suggests are concerned with bare facts and not your thoughts and feelings.

Argumentative Essay Topics 
  1. 'Private tuitions are a necessary evil.' Give your views either for or against the statement.
  2. "The use of mobile phones has lowered active social life and has become an addiction." Express your views for or against the statement.
  3. 'Money causes more harm than good.' Express your views either for or against the statement.
  4. 'Working women make better mothers than women who stay at home.' Express your views either for or against this statement.
  5. 'School days are the happiest days of our lives' Express your views either for or against the statement.
  6. Cinema both entertains and educates the masses. Express your views either for or against the statement.
  7. The computer will soon replace the book. Express your views either for or against the statement.
  8. India has always believed in the value of the family. Discuss the changes, both good and bad, that have resulted from the break-up of the traditional Indian joint family system.
  9. "Teenagers today are more wordly wise than their parents." Express your views either for or against the statement.
  10. Men and Women should have equal rights. Give your views either for or against the statement. 
  11. Should the use of polythne be banned.?" Give your views either for or against the statement. 
  12. "Tradition is an obstacle to progess." Express your views either for or against the statement.
  13. Which in you opinion is more important - a healthy body or a healthy mind. Give relevant arguments to support your opinion.
  14. 'Hobbies are a waste of time.' Express your views either for or against the statement.
  15. "Our fore fathers were luckier than us." Write your views for or against the statement.
  16. Democracy is the best form of government. Give your views either for or against the statement.
  17. "It is better to be born rich than talented." Give your views either for or against the statement.
  18. "Child labour should be banned." Give your views either for or against the statement.
  19. "Pen is mightier than the sword." Give your views either for or against the statement.
  20. "Eduaction makes the people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave." Discuss
  21. "Success depends on character and not on opportunity." Express your views either for or against the statement.
  22. Give an account of the ways in which advertising has affected modern life.
  23. A family without pets is an incomplete family. Express your views for or against the statement.
  24. Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTVs) must be installed in every classroom. Express your views either for or against the statement.
  25. 'More lessons are learnt on the sports field than in the classroom.' Express your views either for or against this statement.
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