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Nine Gold Medals
Class 10

About the Poet 
David Lee Roth, the rock star was born on 10th October, 194 in Bloomington, Indiana. He is an American rock vocalist, songwriter, actor, author and former radio personality. He was soon singing in local bands, including the Red Ball Jets, who played show along with another up-and-coming rock band from Pasadena, California - Mammoth. 

Nine Gold Medals Summary 
'Nine Gold Medals' is a poem written by the American Rock vocalist David Roth. It is an inspirational poem that speaks of human compassion and cooperation. The poem is based on a story about the nine differently-abled athletes in a Special Olympic event. All the contestants had trained very hard for the event. In a hundred metre race, one of the athletes fell to the ground, soon after the race began. He laid on the tracks, crying out in pain and losing all hopes of winning the medal. The eight other contestants didnot capitalize on their chances of winning a medal at the misfortune of this helpless contestant. They stopped and returned back to help him stand on his feet and then they walked hand-in-hand to finish the race. Each of the athletes was awarded a gold medal in recognition of their outstanding show of empathy and compassion. The poet remarks that the words on the banner 'Special Olympics' turned out to be true. The exemplary behaviour of the athletes made Special Olympics really special. 

Rhyme scheme 

The pattern in the first four lines is a b c d.
In the next four lines the rhyming pattern is a b c b. 

Rhyming Words 

run - gun
sound - ground
still - will
compete - feet 

Figures of Speech 

1. Alliteration 
His dreams and his efforts dashed in the dirt
But the youngest among them stumbled and staggered 

2. Repetition, Inversion 
Said more than these words ever will
Said more than these words ever will 


David Roth celebrates the human quality of care and compassion which was so beautifully shown by the young athletes. Teaches us that this world needs more corporation and collaboration instead of competition.
Message in this poem is Sportsmanship and Empathy 
time: 0.0183601379