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All Summer In A Day
Class 10

About the Author - Ray Bradbury 
Ray Brudbury was an American science fiction writer. He is best known for his dystopian novel 'Fahrenheit 451' (1953) and short story collection "The Martian Chronicles' and 'The Iiustrated Man'. 

All Summer In A Day - Question and Answer

Q1. Who was Margot ? How did she look ?
Ans :- Margot was a very frail girl who had come to Venus just five years ago from Earth.
She looked as if she had been lost in the rain for years and the rain had washed out the blue from her eyes and the red from her mouth and the yellow from her hair. She was an old photograph dusted from an album which means she was sad and depressed, whitened away which meant she looked pale and white.

Q2. What were the children doing after the sun came out?
Ans. The children were running and turning their faces up to the sky and were feeling the sun on their cheeks like a warm iron: they were taking off their jackets and letting the sun burn their arms. They lay out laughing on the jungle mattress, and heard it sigh and squeak under them resilient and alive. They ran among the trees, they slipped and fell, they pushed each other, they played hide-and-seek and tag but most of all they squinted at the sun until the tears ran down their faces; they put their hands up to that yellowness and that amazing blueness and they breathed of the fresh air and listened to the silence which suspended them in a blessed sea of no sound and no motion. They looked at everthing and savoured everything. Then, wildly, like animals escaped from their caves, they ran and ran in shouting circles. They ran for an hour and didnot stop running. 
time: 0.0192868710