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The Merchant of Venice Act - 1
Class 9

Q1. According to Gratiano, why does Antonio not look well.
Ans :- According to Gratiano, Antonio does not look well because he thinks too much about worldly affairs. Those people who donot enjoy the wealth tend to lose the good things of the world. Thus Gratiano tells that Antonio does not look well and has marvellously changed.

Q2. What is Antonio's reply then to Gratiano?
Ans:- Antonio replies to Gratiano that he considers this world as a satge where everyone has a role to play and his role is that of a sad one.

Q3. What is Gratiano's opinion about a man whose blood is warm within?
Ans:- Gratiano's opinion about a man whose blood is warm within is that why a young man who is full of life and can enjoy so much should sit like his grandfather's statue made of white marble, why he will be quiet and unemotional when he is awake as if he were still asleep until he gets jaundice for being ill- tempered. 

Q4. About what sort of men does Gratiano speak ? What else does he say about them ?
And :- There are men who always look serious, their faces are devoid of any expression and are like stagnant ponds covered with slime and dirt on their surfaces. They have such expressions on their faces to show others that they are wise, reserved and have deep thoughts so that when they speak with the authority of Greek oracle, everybody else should keep quiet and that even dogs should stop barking.
He knows many of those types of men who are reputed wise for saying nothing but he is very sure that when they speak, everyone who would hear them would curse their ears for calling their brothers fool.

Q5. What does Antonio assure Bassanio ? How has Bassanio planned to come out of his debts honourably ?
Ans:- Antonio assures Bassanio that his money, he himself and all his resources are entirely for his needs.
When Bassanio had lost an arrow during his school days, he would shoot another arrow carefully in the same direction to recover the first. By risking a second arrow, he often got both. Similarly, Bassanio has lost everything that he owed Antonio but if Antonio gave him another loan like the first one, he would undoubtedly watch the aim so carefully that he would be able to repay both the loans or atleast the second loan and remain indebted for the first loan.
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